April 15th
Dr. Lorna Piatti-Farnell of Bishop Grosseteste University College Lincoln.
"A Tour of the Cannibal Quarters: Industrial Fantasies and Carnivorous Appetites in Roald Dahl's Fiction"
Mathias Clasen of the Section for English, Department of Language, Literature and Culture.
"They Eat Your Flesh and Drink Your Blood: A Darwinian Perspective on Anthropophagous Monsters"
March 23rd
Dr. Olu Jenzen of the Universtiy of Sussex
‘Haunting poetry: Trauma, otherness and textuality in Michael Cunningham’s Specimen Days’
Dr. Vinicius de Carvalho of the Department of Language, Literature and Culture.
‘Communion with the Uncanny in The Passion according G.H of Clarice Lispector’
February 1st
Dr. Maeve Tynan of the University of Limerick
'Fin-de-Siècle Gaelic Gothic: Reflections on the Irish Question'
Dr. Cathy McGlynn of Dun Laoghaoire Institute of Art and Technology, Dublin.
'Flowers and Flow-ers: Antiphallocentric effects in Ulysses'